Shapes: Flaptastic Издательство: Дорлинг Киндерсли, 2009 г Картон, 12 стр ISBN 978-1-40533-735-9 Язык: Английский Формат: 180x180 Цветные иллюстрации инфо 7495q.

These bright, bold books will be a big hit with preschool audiences Each one utilizes the same three yellow, fuzzy, stuffed ducks, Dib, Dab, and Dob, to assist children in learning the various concepts Full-ввдфрcolor photographs of the objects appear on single or double-page spreads along with simple questions In Colors, youngsters are asked to pick out certain items from those displayed in the margins ("What blue things can Dab play with at the ocean?") Numbers bвнтщуegins with "1 One kitten" and continues through "10 Ten toes," "20 Twenty buttons," and "100 One hundred cars" Shapes prompts readers to take a closer look at everyday objects ("This window is a square Are windows always square?") Sizes compares tall and short; thick and thin, etc For libraries that can't keep concept books on the shelves, these will be welcome additions.